Aegon ABS Opportunity Fund
Fund description

The ABS Opportunity strategy aims to benefit from actively allocating to the best value opportunities across a wide range sectors within the ABS market. The strategy is designed to invest across the global ABS space with a focus on European ABS markets and produce a through-cycle return of Euribor + 500bps (gross). The Fund has a focus on asset backed securities with a credit rating which is deemed to be ‘non-investment grade’.

Non-investment grade is defined as meeting one or more of the following rating criteria: Ba1 or lower by Moody's Investor Services (Moody's); BB+ or lower by Standard & Poor's Rating Services (S&P) or Fitch Ratings Inc (Fitch). With complimentary top-down and bottom-up processes, the dominant sources of alpha will be macro positioning, asset allocation and bond selection.

Available Shareclasses ISAN
ABS Opportunity Fund I acc EUR IE00BMWVYM46
ABS Opportunity Fund I acc GBP (Hedged) IE00BMWVYL39
ABS Opportunity Fund C Acc GBP (Hedged) IE00BMWVYK22
ABS Opportunity Fund C Inc GBP (Hedged) IE000NYVF4A3
ABS Opportunity Fund C acc EUR IE000P4L0M63
Key documents
Aegon ABS Opportunity Fund Monthly review
European Asset Backed Securities


Find out more on Aegon AM’s range of ABS strategies, we offer a range of strategies to suit various investor preferences for yield and risk.

All Documents
Aegon ABS Opportunity Fund I EUR Factsheet
Aegon ABS Opportunity Fund Monthly review
Aegon AM ABS Range Overview
Prospectus Aegon AM QIF plc
Supplement Aegon ABS Opportunity Fund
Aegon AM NL Sustainability Risks and Impacts Policy
Fund managers
Egbert Bronsema
Portfolio Manager

Egbert Bronsema is a portfolio manager in the European ABS team. Prior to joining the firm, he worked for eleven years as a portfolio manager and an analyst in the structured finance team at IMC Asset Management.