Income campaign

The time for income

Aegon Asset Management has a long history of actively managing income-bearing strategies on behalf of clients. We offer a range of strategies that aim to deliver income as part of a total return approach.

Higher bond yields and strong levels of dividend growth mean income-bearing assets currently offer investors an excellent opportunity, either income for its own sake or as a contribution to strong prospective total return.  

We believe income bearing assets will continue to provide attractive opportunities for total return investors in 2024 and beyond.

  • With inflation expected to fall, the normalisation of the interest rate cycle will provide opportunities for strong total returns, particularly from good quality high yield bonds.

  • Global equity dividends will maintain strong pay-outs and robust share buyback activity, while their natural defensive qualities will continue to offer protection in volatile markets.

  • As rates fall and the yield available from cash declines, the through-cycle consistency of income from bonds and equity dividends will be increasingly attractive.