
ABN AMRO and Aegon Asset Management have created a combined team to leverage upon the deep knowledge of their investment professionals and experienced sustainable analysts. ABN AMRO Investment Solutions is responsible for managing the fund, being advised by ABN AMRO’s SRI Equity Team. This team has a solid track record since 2005 combining insights from both quantitative and fundamental analysts. Impact is enhanced through constructive and active engagement by Aegon’s dedicated engagement team.

Fund Objective

The strategy aims to generate measurable socio-economic or environmental benefits by investing in high quality companies worldwide (including emerging markets). The fund’s investment process combines financial & impact quantitative and qualitative analysis. Focus is on growth companies driven by long term sustainable impact themes and with the intent to contribute to measurable positive social, economic and environmental impact alongside financial returns.


Impact investing challenges long-held views that social and environmental issues should be addressed only by philanthropic donations, and that market investments should focus exclusively on achieving financial returns. Companies often exhibit strong growth prospects due to their alignment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), excellent management and robust business fundamentals. The Global Equity Impact Fund was developed to generate social and environmental impact alongside a financial return.


Detailed fund information (on >>

Why invest in the strategy?

  • Conviction portfolio of 40 to 80 high quality holdings
  • Active contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Enhance impact via engagement
  • Measurement of and reporting on impact

Webinar: Global Equity Investing with Impact (in Dutch)

This is the recording of the interview by Annette van Soest on the ins and outs of the Impact Fund with Vincent Triesschijn (Head RI ABN AMRO), Esther van Munster (Fund manager ABN AMRO) and Stephanie Mooij (Engagement manager Aegon AM). Recording is in Dutch and starts at 52 seconds.

Fund Documents

All documents

Fund Flyer ABN AMRO Aegon Global Equity Impact Fund - ENG.pdf

(4.94MB) PDF

Contact Us

Want to know more about the ABN AMRO Aegon Global Equity Impact Fund? Please contact us.

Executive Director Business Development

Jeroen van Wilgenburg

Executive Director Business Development

+31 6 51 35 24 20