Aegon AM new manager of a.s.r. mortgage funds

Aegon Asset Management announced today that effective July 2, 2024, it was named the AIFMD fund manager for the a.s.r. mortgage funds. This follows the agreement reached in October 2022 between Aegon and a.s.r.


These funds, previously known as ASR Hypotheekfonds (subfunds NHG and non-NHG) and ASR Separate Account Mortgage Fund, will continue under the name AeAM Dutch Mortgage Fund 3 (subfunds NHG and non-NHG) and AeAM Dutch Mortgage Fund 4.


Rutger Brascamp, head of mortgages at Aegon Asset Management, considers this a positive addition to the portfolio: “Aegon Asset Management is well known for managing institutional asset classes including residential mortgage loans. By combining a.s.r. mortgage funds and the existing Aegon AM mortgage funds within Aegon AM, our customers will be guaranteed of professional asset management services, today and in the future. Our services are characterized by factors such as ESG commitments and distinctive reporting. This is highly valued by our investors.“


As a result of this development, Aegon Asset Management’s mortgage platform now consists of four funds with total assets under management of over EUR 40 billion for more than 200 European investors.


The partnership between a.s.r. and Aegon Asset Management results in the largest non-bank originator and servicer of mortgage loans in the Netherlands. a.s.r. is responsible for origination and servicing of the mortgages. Aegon Asset Management is responsible for management of the funds.




Notes for the editor


About Aegon Asset Management


Aegon Asset Management is an active global investor. Our 385 investment professionals manage and advise on assets of €305 ($337/£264) billion (as of March 31, 2024) for a global client-base of pension plans, public funds, insurance companies, banks, wealth managers, family offices and foundations.


We organize our investment capabilities around four focused investment platforms where we have extensive asset-class expertise: Fixed Income, Real Assets, Equities and Multi-Asset & Solutions. Each platform has dedicated teams, organized globally and committed to maximizing their specialist areas. These platforms and the Fiduciary business are supported by a team dedicated to responsible investing.


By organizing our investment teams globally, we work to harness our expertise and research resources across regional boundaries. We believe this enhances our performance potential and helps provide better investment outcomes for clients.


Across platforms, we share a common belief in fundamental, research-driven active management, underpinned by effective risk management and a commitment to responsible investment. Our investment platforms have the flexibility to organize their resources and processes to best suit their area of focus.


We are a global business: Our 1,159 (as of March 31, 2024) employees work across Europe, the Americas and Asia. We invest globally and serve clients locally.


For more information about Aegon Asset Management, visit  


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Aegon Investment Management B.V. (Chamber of Commerce number: 27075825) is registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets as a licensed fund management company. On the basis of its fund management license Aegon Investment Management B.V. is also authorized to provide individual portfolio management and advisory services. Aegon AM NL also operates through branches in Germany and Spain. These branches are regulated by the BaFin (Germany) and CNMV (Spain) based on the home-host state supervision rules.


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Author: PR Team
Published On: 02/07/2024
Minute Read: 3