ESG integration

The four steps of our ESG integration process


Research analysts identify key ESG and non-ESG factors specific to the company, sector or country.


Research analysts assess for each factor whether it is material to the fundamental characteristics of the issuing party.


Research analysts incorporate the relevant impact of ESG factors into the overall credit assessment and their credit advice. The assessment and advice serve as a starting point for discussion with portfolio managers.


Portfolio managers incorporate analyst advice into portfolio composition in accordance with the client's mandate.

Our commitment to responsible stewardship is a core principle that guides how we manage our client’s assets across fixed income, real assets, equities, and multiasset strategies. Our investment teams integrate material ESG factors and stewardship considerations into the investment process in a comprehensive manner, where possible. The approach can vary across asset classes, but the underlying philosophy remains consistent – to evaluate financially material ESG issues alongside traditional analysis as part of a comprehensive assessment of risks and potential opportunities.

Aegon AM has developed tailored methodologies to integrate material ESG considerations across asset classes.


Environmental Social Governance

Greenhouse Gas emissions

Water and wastewater impacts

Hazardous materials and air quality

Biodiversity impacts

Material sourcing

Product design and lifecycle management


Human rights and stakeholder engagement

Data privacy

Product safety and sales practices

Health and safety

Labour management

Supply chain management

Governance structure

Accounting practices


Business ethics, fraud and corruption

Cyber security