ESG strategies

A recognised leader with over 30 years of responsible investing history.


We launched our first ethical equity strategy in 1989. Since then, we have broadened our capabilities to include ethical corporate bond and cautious managed portfolios. In 2016 we further expanded our range with the launch of a global sustainable equity strategy. 


We monitor material environmental, social and governance issues associated with the industries and companies in which we invest through a wide range of channels. Fund managers and stock analysts work closely with the RI team, which enables material non-financial information to be incorporated into our investment processes.


Distinguishing characteristics

  • We strive to identify and understand the key environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks for each of the companies, industries and sectors in which we invest.
  • We recognise that stakeholder expectations about the role of corporations in society are changing and we believe we have wider responsibilities to encourage high standards in the companies we invest in.
  • We believe that a company’s ESG performance is most appropriately considered within the context of its industry’s competitive landscape, in relation to its peers and the geographic regions in which it operates.
  • An understanding of the ESG issues that a company faces therefore requires an in-depth knowledge of the sector in which it operates.
  • We work closely with the Responsible Investing team.

Our capabilities

Aegon Asset Management UK manages and/or sub-advises a broad range of strategies within the equities space.

Global Sustainable
UK Ethical
UK Sustainable Opportunities

The ESG and sustainable investing activities and processes described herein are not applicable, or not applicable to the same degree, across all affiliates or all strategies.


Responsible investing is qualitative and subjective by nature, and there is no guarantee that the criteria utilized, or judgment exercised, by any company of Aegon Asset Management will reflect the beliefs or values of any one particular investor. Responsible investing norms differ by region. There is no assurance that the responsible investing strategy and techniques employed will be successful. Investors should consult their investment professional prior to making an investment decision.