Our Investment Platforms

Fixed Income

Real Assets


Multi-Asset & Solutions

Our Fixed Income platform delivers investment solutions that span the quality and yield spectrum. Active management, in-depth fundamental research, and downside risk management are at the core of our approach.

Our Real Assets platform focuses on delivering yield-oriented debt and equity strategies spanning the risk/return spectrum.

Our Equities platform provide high-conviction, actively managed portfolios that blend qualitative and quantitative analysis in an effort to identify companies the market under appreciates and undervalues.  Stock selection is typically a primary driver of portfolio return. 

We believe that asset allocation is a primary driver of investment returns and diversifying portfolios across a wide range of lowly-correlated investments can help reduce risk. Within our Multi-Asset platform, we employ a thematic multi-asset approach that reflects our conviction views.

We organize our investment capabilities around four focused platforms where we have deep asset-class expertize. Each platform has dedicated teams, organised globally and charged with maximizing client benefit from their specialist areas.