Our profile

In a complex world, we think and act beyond traditional borders. We organize our teams by asset class, to bring the breadth and depth of our global research and investment capabilities together to exceed client expectations.

Across the firm, we support an inclusive and diverse workforce. Across markets, we believe in the investment benefits that come from responsible investing. Whether by asset class, geography or conventional thought, we invest beyond borders.


Our 385 investment professionals manage and advise on assets of USD 341 billion* for a global client-base of pension plans, public funds, insurance companies, banks, wealth managers, family offices, individual investors, endowments and foundations.


Our vision

Aegon AM is committed to providing exceptional global research and asset-class expertise, striving for consistent long-term outperformance, and offering superior local servicing to meet and exceed the unique needs of our clients.

These goals are best realized within an inclusive work environment driven by a diverse, global workforce. Through our comprehensive responsible investment research and engagements, we strive to help our clients achieve better long-term investment outcomes.

Our clients

We combine a global perspective with a focus on local relationships. This helps us to understand changing markets and the evolving needs of our clients across Europe, the Americas and Asia.

We are proud to serve our diverse and global client-base of pension plans, public funds, insurance companies, banks, corporate entities, fiduciary managers, foundations, endowments, sub-advisory, family offices, wealth managers and sovereign wealth funds.


Why we are distinctive

Our heritage

Since our inception, we have reached beyond borders to expand our knowledge, broaden our horizons, and seeking new investment opportunities for our clients.


As an insurance-owned asset manager, have a deep understanding of investment risk and the importance of having a long-term perspective. We also believe we are well-placed to meet the investment and servicing requirements of large and complex clients.

Our global approach

We organize our investment capabilities around four focused investment platforms where we have asset-class expertise: fixed income, real assets, equities, and multi-asset & solutions.


Across platforms, we share a common belief in fundamental, research-driven active management, underpinned by a focus on risk management.


By organizing our investment teams globally, we harness our expertise and research resources across regional boundaries. We believe this enhances our performance potential and generates better investment outcomes for clients.

Our culture

We are a global business that is vibrant, diverse and inclusive. We embrace different backgrounds, ideas and ways of thinking. We are positive and outward-looking, with a shared responsibility to our clients, the environment and the communities in which we live, work and invest.

Responsible investment leader

We have long believed in the value and importance of responsible investing, which in our experience has added value over the long term. As active investors with responsible investing roots dating back over 30 years1, we have developed a robust responsible investment platform primarily across our equity, fixed-income and multi-asset investment platforms consisting of three pillars: ESG integration, active ownership and ESG-themed solutions.

1Aegon AM UK launched first ethical strategy in 1989.


*As at June 30, 2024.  The assets under management/advisement described herein incorporates the entities within Aegon Asset Management brand as well as the following affiliates: Aegon Asset Management Holding B.V., Aegon Asset Management Spain, and joint-venture participations in Aegon Industrial Fund Management Co. LTD, and La Banque Postale Asset Management SA.


All investments contain risk and may lose value. Responsible investing is qualitative and subjective by nature, and there is no guarantee that the criteria utilized, or judgement exercised, by any company of Aegon Asset Management will reflect the beliefs or values of any one particular investor. Responsible norms differ by region. There is no assurance that the responsible investing strategy and techniques employed will be successful. Investors should consult their investment professional prior to making an investment decision. The firm's research teams may incorporate ESG-related factors into their analysis as applicable to their asset class and the output may differ as warranted.