Leadership Team

In February 2020 Aegon Asset Management integrated its regional investment businesses to create a global organization.


Being global supports stronger governance and swifter decision-making from a single operational management board. It also helps us to identify global best-practices and optimize knowledge-sharing across globally aligned teams.

It also minimizes duplication of effort, systems and resources and frees-up the resources to reinvest in the development of the business.

In the chart below we show our Global Management Board, which oversees the operations and governance of the organisation.

Our Leadership Team

Shawn Johnson

Shawn Johnson

Chief Executive Officer

Chris Thompson

Chris Thompson

Head of Global Client Group & Chief Executive Officer, Aegon AM US

Matt Hubbard

Matt Hubbard

Chief People Officer

Damiaan Jacobovits de Szeged

Damiaan Jacobovits de Szeged

Chief Financial and Transformation Officer

Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones

Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income, Multi-Asset & Equities

Wim van de Kraats

Wim van de Kraats

Chief Risk and Compliance Officer

Kirstie MacGillivray

Kirstie MacGillivray


Lara Osterhaus

Lara Osterhaus

Global Head of Real Assets

Trudy Stassen, LLM

Trudy Stassen, LLM

Global General Counsel

Mike Tumilty

Mike Tumilty

Chief Operations Officer