Diversified Income

The Aegon Diversified Income Strategy2 aims to provide income and capital growth by investing in a multi-asset portfolio of yield-generating investments.


The strategy:

  • Targets a yield of 5% per annum;
  • Aims for growth of 2%-3% per annum to maintain the purchasing power of income; and
  • Is committed to providing a sustainable income by not paying out capital as income.

The strategy is actively managed by Aegon Asset Management 14-strong Multi-Asset Team, which allocates to a diverse range of income assets.


Strategy inception June 30, 2013

Diversified Monthly Income - Vincent McEntegart and Debbie King


Global Diversified Income - Vincent McEntegart and Jacob Vijverberg

Investment Objective To provide income with the potential for capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of global assets.
Benchmark The strategy is not constrained by a formal benchmark, providing the flexibility to pursue the most attractive income opportunities globally.
Investment universe
  • Fixed income
  • Equities
  • Listed real estate
  • Specialist income
  • Currency
  • Cash
Currency options GBP, USD, EUR


Portfolio managers

Vincent McEntegart

Vincent McEntegart

Investment Manager

Vincent McEntegart, investment manager, is a member of the multi-asset group. He is co-manager of the Diversified Income strategies. Prior to joining Aegon AM, Vincent worked for Goodhart Partners (an MBO of the multi-manager business of WestLB Mellon Asset Management) where he was a partner responsible for client relationships and new business.

Manager profile
Debbie King

Debbie King

Investment Manager

Debbie King, investment manager, is a member of the multi-asset group, with a background in fixed income.

Manager profile
Jacob Vijverberg

Jacob Vijverberg

portfolio manager

Jacob Vijverberg, CFA, is a portfolio manager in the multi-asset group and an investment strategist.

Manager profile