Core Fixed Income

Aegon AM’s core fixed income capabilities include a wide range of regional and global strategies that span the risk spectrum.

Active management and a research-intensive process underpin our approach to identifying opportunities, with a focus on mitigating downside risk and pursuing added value.

Multiple alpha sources


Using a research-intensive process, we pursue multiple alpha sources throughout business and credit cycles. Proprietary bottom-up fundamental research is informed by top-down analysis and macro insights. We bring together global perspectives to identify market opportunities as we aim to build resilient portfolios and pursue better investment outcomes.


Disciplined global research framework


Proprietary bottom-up fundamental research is informed by top-down analysis and macro insights. Our disciplined fundamental research framework relies on a common language to assess fundamentals, sentiment, technicals and valuation. We harness knowledge beyond borders to evaluate opportunities across sectors and regions.

Our capabilities

We manage and/or sub-advise a broad range of strategies within the Core Fixed Income space.

Investment Grade
Emerging Markets Debt
Cash flow-driven investing (CDI)

Latest fixed income insights

12.09.2024 | 8 min read | Daniel Torres | Pravena Jawahar
19.02.2024 | 5 min read | Colin Finlayson, CFA
16.02.2024 | 10 min read | Kenneth Ward | Euan McNeil


1This is a general description of the firm's ESG process.  It may not be applied to every holding in a given strategy