Fixed Income overview

Fixed Income


Aegon AM delivers investment solutions that span the quality and yield spectrum.

Active management and a research-intensive process underpin our approach to identifying opportunities, with a focus on mitigating downside risk while pursuing added value.

Combining the proprietary, fundamental, bottom-up research of our global credit research team, specialized expertise of our sector teams, and top-down economic insights of our macro team, our portfolio managers construct portfolios with conviction.

Underpinning our approach is a strong commitment to responsible investment.1 We integrate the analysis of ESG factors into our research processes, engage with issuers to pursue better outcomes and provide focused responsible investment solutions.

Key facts

USD 171 billion



under management/advisement2





professionals investing globally2

3+ decades 



investing in fixed income markets

Distinguishing characteristics

We are active investors with fundamental research as our cornerstone

Through a culture of collaboration and with a heavy emphasis on qualitative analysis, we work to identify multiple alpha sources, manage risk and navigate market inflection points in the pursuit of consistently strong, risk-adjusted returns.

We innovate to provide solutions

Our investment capabilities aim to tackle the evolving concerns of investors, addressing needs for things like income generation, volatility management, inflation protection and responsible investment solutions.

We execute with scale and efficiency

Our fixed income strategies benefit from being part of an integrated investment platform with expertise across specialist sector teams. We are focused on being nimble – large enough to benefit from scale in the market yet focused enough to provide our clients the attention they deserve.


Fixed income leadership team

Iain Buckle

Iain Buckle

Head of UK Fixed Income

Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones

Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income, Multi-Asset & Equities

Frank Meijer

Frank Meijer

Global Head of Alternative Fixed Income

Jennifer Moore, CFA

Jennifer Moore, CFA

Global Head of Credit Research

Jim Schaeffer

Jim Schaeffer

Global Head of Leveraged Finance

Brian Westhoff, CFA

Brian Westhoff, CFA

Head of Core US Fixed Income


1The responsible investment activities and processes described are not applicable or not applicable to the same degree across all affiliates or strategies. Please refer to the strategy specific information before investing.

2As of June 30, 2024. Assets under management/advisement exclude joint venture assets. Incudes discretionary and non-discretionary accounts. Personnel may be employed by any of the Aegon AM affiliates. Does not include all investment professionals.

3Aegon AM UK launched first ethical strategy in 1989.