
High-conviction, differentiated approach
ESG integration and active stewardship
Focus on under-researched areas

Key facts


as of June 30, 2024

USD 23 billion


Assets Under Management/Advisement*

The amount we manage globally for our institutional, intermediary and retail clients invested in our equity portfolios.

25 people


strong team

Deeply-resourced team with expertise in equities

Over 35 years


Experience of managing equity portfolios



Our equities DNA

We have a strong team culture, proudly underpinned by common values:

Act as One

  • Investment team located in Edinburgh and supported by our dedicated RI specialists.
  • Culture of challenge and debate.
  • Quick decision making.

Act with Conviction

  • Concentrated portfolios.
  • Avoid the crowds by focusing on under-researched areas.
  • Proprietary data screening combined with rigorous research.

Act Responsibly

  • Active stewardship, with a strong ESG focus.
  • Investing in management teams as well as businesses.
  • Clear ownership and accountability.

Investment philosophy


To uncover the hidden value in equity markets, we look where others don't and we seek to invest in companies the market underappreciates and undervalues. Company meetings and regular engagement with boards and management teams are at the core of our approach to equity research.



We believe:

  • Markets are inefficient, especially in small- and mid-cap arena. Our team is set up to maximise the benefit of our skills in this area.
  • Inefficiencies can be exploited through active management based on a repeatable investment process.


Our response:

  • We have a dynamic approach. Different stocks have historically outperformed at different stages of the cycle.
  • Stock pickers first and foremost.
  • Buy and sell decisions determined by the investment manager.

ESG integration

Responsible Investment Guiding Principles


  • Responsible investing can align with clients’ interests
  • Responsible investing can contribute to long-term value
  • Environmental and social risks are investment risks
  • Integrating ESG factors can help uncover opportunities
  • Active ownership is a key aspect of active management


These principles are part of our Responsible Investment Framework which represents a broader approach to responsible investing and active ownership primarily across the equity and fixed income asset classes within the various Aegon Asset Management affiliates. The activities and processes described herein are not applicable, or not applicable to the same degree, across all affiliates or all strategies. Please refer to the specific strategy books or offering documents as you consider investing with us.


We believe effective ESG integration has the potential to confer three principal benefits:


Deepens our knowledge A focus on ESG enables us to better understand the environments in which companies operate, which helps us to quantify risks and opportunities.
Strengthens our conviction We are fundamental, research-driven investors. Integrating ESG supports the management of concentrated, high-conviction portfolios.
Promotes a long-term focus ESG factors help us to avoid short-term distractions and focus on the long-term prospects for companies and sectors.


We believe in integrating ESG factors into the fundamental analysis of our fundamentals, valuations and technicals (FVT) research framework. We take a practical, bottom up approach to this and focus on material ESG issues, with clear linkages to key business risks and opportunities.


AUM disclosures

*As of June 30, 2024.  Assets under management/advisement exclude joint venture assets. 


The ESG and sustainable investing activities and processes described herein are not applicable, or not applicable to the same degree, across all affiliates or all strategies.


Responsible investing is qualitative and subjective by nature, and there is no guarantee that the criteria utilized, or judgment exercised, by any company of Aegon Asset Management will reflect the beliefs or values of any one particular investor. Responsible investing norms differ by region. There is no assurance that the responsible investing strategy and techniques employed will be successful. Investors should consult their investment professional prior to making an investment decision.