Cashflow Driven Investment

CDI can cover any investment solution designed to help meet an investor’s future cashflow needs. It therefore does not represent a pre-defined investment strategy or product. The goal of a CDI mandate will generally be to create an investment portfolio which generates a stream of income with a set of future expected cashflows in mind, usually pension and benefit payments.


Since its inception, Aegon AM has managed multi-asset investment solutions for its affiliated insurance companies designed very much along the principles for CDI in matching expected asset cash flows with anticipated liabilities whilst considering client-specific risk tolerance and constraints.

Solutions to meet cashflow needs

Trusted Partner

We realise every client is unique. Our focus is on working with clients along every step of the investment journey to meet their investment objectives.


We have a strong offering of income generating funds across a range of asset classes and geographies.


Our specialists have a wealth of practical experience developing cashflow solutions for institutional clients. 

We have a rich heritage in managing income focussed mandates across a variety of asset classes for every risk budget: from traditional fixed income funds through to alternative fixed income and income-focussed growth assets.


 CDI building blocks
  Liquidity solutions Core CDI Yield enhancing CDI Income-focused growth
Generally liquid asset classes Cash Sovereign Bonds Investment grade ABS High-dividend equities
Money market funds Index-linked gilts EM debt Listed property
Absolute return bond strategies Investment grade credit High yield credit  
Short-dated IG credit   High yield ABS  
Illiquid asset classes   Government guaranteed private loans Mortgages Specialist income
Private placements Non-listed property
Private debt (corporate, infrastructure, real estate)