Our locations
A global company

We organize our investment capabilities around four focused platforms where we have asset-class expertise: fixed income, real assets, equities, and multi-asset & solutions. Each platform has dedicated teams, organized globally and committed to maximizing their specialist areas.


By organizing our investment teams globally across four investment platforms we work to harness our expertise and research resources across regional boundaries. We believe this enhances our performance potential and helps provide better investment outcomes.


We share a common belief in fundamental, research-driven active management, underpinned by effective risk management and a commitment to responsible investment. Our investment platforms have the flexibility to organize their resources and processes to best suit their area of focus.

Our locations

We are an international business: Our approximately 1,155* employees work from 14 locations across Europe, the Americas and Asia.  We invest globally and serve clients locally.



*As at June 30, 2024.